How To Set Up a Spinning Reel : An Ultimate Guide

For a beginner, using a spinning reel for fishing reel style is a great option. Even for both anglers, old and young, this style and method are very popular. In fact, spinning fishing reel is very simple to use and so it has become a top choice for many anglers.

But many people among us struggle to set up a spinning reel. You are also in same position? Well. You don’t need to get frustrated with it anymore. This article will be a guide for you to know the full process on how to set up a spinning reel.

So, if you are a beginner or have no skill then slowly follow the instructions and hopefully, you will get a clear idea of setting up a spinning reel without any struggle and pain. Let’s get started.

How To Set Up a Spinning Reel

Steps to set up a spinning reel are given below 

  • Gather All The Tools

The primary thing you need to do is to gather all the equipment and tools that are required for this method. Pick a spinning reel that is suitable and perfect for you. 

You must buy a fishing line that totally depends on what type of fish you are fishing for. Next, you need to get a spinning rod according to your spinning reel. 

And lastly, you need to keep a hook, spool, and scissor with you before starting the process. 

  • Attach The Reel to The Rod

Before installing you need to make sure whether the reel is connected to the rod. Place the reel foot in the reel seat by making the seat big enough. Then screw it down to make it tight and stable.

  • Open The Bail

This is an important and tricky step. One may struggle to complete this step properly. You have to open the bail arm and place the line around the reel. 

Then tie a knot by rolling the line against the reel and of course ensure that you leave the end. Then close the bail’s arm when it’s done. 

  • Cut The Excessive Fishing Line

To load the spindle, turn the handle in the counterclockwise direction. Stop the reeling when it reaches one-eighth of an inch of the edge of the coil. And after measuring the 15 inches end of the fishing rod cut the excessive fishing line. 

  • Use An Effective Fishing Knot

Several fishing knots are present which are very effective. But it is preferable to use a Palomar knot to connect your bail. But you can also use any other know which is easy and simple for you.

  • Set The Drag

At the last step utilizing the knob at the top or bottom of the coil set the drag to the reel. If you want to lose it then give an anti-clockwise turning. On the other hand, to make it tight give a clockwise direction.


If you are a beginner or don’t have any skill on this then it might take some time to understand the method. Some steps may become very tricky and hard. But that does not mean it is impossible to set up a spinning reel. 

If you don’t have enough knowledge about spool, bail, line roller, reel foot then you must research more and understand these important parts. Afterward, it will be easier for you to set up the spinning reel. 

We hope you will now get your fishing spinning reel accurate and make your fishing trip successful and enjoyable.